Details and pricing for all services us here at DFCII provide. In depth explanation of the process for each different inspection. Pricing and fees vary per inspection type. Please read all info on the inspection you are looking for before contacting. Also take a look at our free travel zone, and any miscellaneous fees that might apply to you depending on the circumstance
Details and pricing for all services us here at DFCII provide. In depth explanation of the process for each different inspection. Pricing and fees vary per inspection type. Please read all info on the inspection you are looking for before contacting. Also take a look at our free travel zone, and any miscellaneous fees that might apply to you depending on the circumstance

• Mileage outside service zone - $1.00 (per mile)
• In-Court testimony - $500.00 (per 1/2 day)
• Other applicable expenses such as airfare, hotel, parking fees, tolls, phone charges, postage, handling, etc. - Actual cost
• ASTM testing through Professional Testing Laboratory -
Cost + 25% (plus shipping cost)